Does this not frighten anyone? Lest we forget, there have been others in history who have grabbed unilateral power claiming need to do so "for the sake of the people."
While the Obama Administration's stated threat of pushing through programs bypassing Congress if necessary may seem well-intended and benign by progressives hungry to move liberal initiatives forward, it should be viewed as an outrageous and dangerous move for all regardless of political leaning. There is a reason that our government was designed with checks and balances. It was to protect us all from the unilateral rule of a King or Emperor or one man, one regime trying to assume King-like control. History has demonstrated how pernicious that can be. Other Presidents have been able to work with Congresses controlled by the opposite Party including as recent as the Clinton Administration. We cannot allow one man to justify bypassing our elected legislators because his Administration is unable to effectively work with the Congress to accomplish goals. Even the suggestion of this demonstrates a frightening disregard for our constitution and our rights therein.