
Friday, January 17, 2020

Volunteer Now to Support Trump Campaign

President Trump needs your support to make sure he is re-elected this year.  The alternative would be devastating.

Volunteers are needed to help at the Victory Offices and booths, with voter registration, get-out-the-vote efforts, social media campaigns, sign-waving and other events, letter writing and much more. Even if you can only help a little, please volunteer.   We will call, text or phone you to determine your availability as needed.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

When it Suited Her Political Ambitions Hilliary Voted For A Wall - Phony Hilliary Now Condemns Trump for It

Hilliary condemns Donald Trump for wanting to bill a wall and claims to support immigrants. However, her only to recent past demonstrates that she sways with political expediencies to the right or to the left. In 2006 as Senator Hilliary Clinton she claimed, "I cannot and will not support one-sided solutions that sound tough but neither deal with our porous borders nor treat with respect and dignity the millions of families who live and work in our country,”

At the same time as claiming the above, she joined Senate Republicans and the majority of her Democratic colleagues in voting for an piece of legislation known as the “Secure Fence Act of 2006.” The bill called for the erection of 700 miles of fortified fencing stretching across the entire length of Arizona’s frontier with Mexico as well as portions of the southern borders of California, New Mexico and Texas.
Her political thinking was that "Even if a vote for the anti-immigrant wall upsets Latinos and others, what are they going to do about it, vote for the Republicans?” She voted for the wall looking ahead to a bid for the Presidency in 2008 at a time when she believed she would have to win over the anti-immigration voters.

She can't be trusted.  She is a phony, who will lie to win.  

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What Did I Say About Jobs -- CBO Just Announces More Than 2 Million Jobs Will be Lost Due to Obamacare

A few weeks ago I wrote on this blog that Democrats who claim to be so caring are actually will their policies killing jobs.  This morning the Congresssional Budget Office confirmed this.

The new healthcare law will cost the US about 2.3 million jobs by 2021 and contribute to a $1 trillion increase in projected deficits, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said in a report released today

The nonpartisan agency’s report found the healthcare law’s impact on the economy will be “substantially larger” than what it had previously anticipated.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Beware the Imperial Presidency

It is being reported that President Obama, in his State of the Union address today, will declare his intention to use executive authority to bypass Congress. A plethora of programs are to be pushed through on the economy, job training, infrastructure repair, climate change, and education.  White House Press Secretary Jay Carney foreshadowed Obama's address saying on Sunday on  ABC This Week that the President will "bypass Congress" when necessary in 2014, and take unilateral executive action to carry out his agenda. In an argument with Chris Wallace of Fox News, Obama Senior White House Advisor Dan Pfeiffer said the following "This can be a year of action. And we can make real progress. But we have to do it together. If Congress doesn't act, the president will."

Does this not frighten anyone?  Lest we forget, there have been others in history who have grabbed unilateral power claiming need to do so "for the sake of the people."  

On 24 March 1933. Hitler was granted  "temporarily" by the passage of the Enabling Act the freedom to enact laws without parliamentary consent. The formal name of the Enabling Act was Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich (English: "Law to Remedy the Distress of People and Reich".) The Act allowed Hitler and his Cabinet to rule by emergency decree. Hitler immediately set about abolishing the powers of the states and the existence of non-Nazi political parties and organizations. The Act effectively eliminated the Reichstag (the German Congress) as active players in German politics. While its existence was protected by the Enabling Act, essentially it reduced the Reichstag to a mere stage for Hitler's speeches.

While the Obama Administration's stated threat of pushing through programs bypassing Congress if necessary  may seem well-intended and benign by progressives hungry to move liberal initiatives forward, it should be viewed as  an outrageous and dangerous move for all regardless of political leaning.  There is a reason that our government was designed with checks and balances.  It was to protect us all from the unilateral rule of a King or Emperor or one man, one regime trying to assume King-like control.     History has demonstrated how pernicious that can be.  Other Presidents have been able to work with Congresses controlled by the opposite Party including as recent as the Clinton Administration. We cannot  allow one man to justify bypassing our elected legislators because his Administration is unable to effectively work with the Congress to accomplish goals.   Even the suggestion of this demonstrates a frightening disregard for our constitution and our rights therein.  

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How Democrats Kill Jobs

While Democrats continue to claim that they are focused on “putting Americans back to work,” Democratic policies led by President Obama have continued to kill jobs.

Job growth declined sharply in December, with only 74,000 jobs added, according to the government’s January labor report, the weakest month for job growth since January 2011. While the unemployment rate dropped to 6.7 percent, the only reason for this so-called improvement is the decline of labor force participation, at the lowest level since 1978.

Meanwhile, President Obama has spent $831 billion of taxpayer money on a stimulus plan for the economy, $264 billion of which went to entitlement programs (   Among other recipients were $50 billion to General Motors to keep it afloat and $500 million to energy company Solyndra.  All of the above were supposed to save jobs.

Now here comes his own signature initiative, Obamacare. The Republican argument has been that for many employers, the cost of providing health insurance to mainly low-income workers would be huge. Logically, many firms would try to evade the expense. There are two ways of doing this. First, businesses with fewer than 50 full-time workers are exempt from the insurance requirement (the “employer mandate”). So, a simple strategy would be don’t hire that 50th worker – killing potential new jobs. The second way is to make workers part time by cutting their weekly hours to less than 30 (Obamacare’s threshold for full-time workers). While the Administration contends this has not been the case, the job numbers suggest the opposite when we see only 74,000 jobs added in December.

Then there is the ultimate irony, the President has outsourced ObamaCare. After a disastrous rollout, the White House has hired Accenture as the new lead contractor. The deal, estimated to be worth $90 million, is now in the hands of the poster boy for global labor outsourcing – India, Pakistan, Ireland will benefit from jobs from Obamacare as well as non-American H1-B-visa workers. (Accenture used to be called Andersen Consulting, which was associated with Arthur Andersen, the accounting firm found to be complicit in the Enron scandal.)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Colorado Obamacare Supporter Loses Her Insurance

Cathy Wagner told a Colorado reporter  "I am not political and have never written a lawmaker, much less the president", but with Obamacare she felt compelled.  “I really just wanted him to know … I was so hopeful that this plan was going to move us forward, but in fact I think it’s moving us backward,” Wagner said. Wagner who retired early was a nurse for 35 years and championed Obamacare, until she received a letter from her insurance company saying it was canceling her policy.

She was also shocked to find out that she would pay 35 percent more and have a higher deductible. “Our premium for next year is going up to over $1,000 a month for two of us and we’re two fairly healthy individuals,” Wagner said.

For the first time in her life former nurse Wagner is  considering going without health insurance.

This is one of millions of stories that has been occuring over the last few weeks.  Wait -- it will get worse. There are more issues to come out of this bill that our legislators failed to read.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Time to Get Back in the Race -- and Start Targeting Women

"Victory has a thousand fathers, defeat is an orphan" a John F. Kennedy often quoted canard has been far from true over the last months following the Republican defeat in the November Presidential elections.   Many Republicans are still crying in their beers, blaming the party, blaming the pundits, blaming unfair tactics of the opposition, blaming "the takers on the dole" who voted for Obama to continue whatever benefits they were getting. 

Facts are facts.  They won.  We lost.  And as Mr. Obama has said elections are about winning, and they won.  Now is the time to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and get back in the race.  Not next year when the heat is on do we want to be scrambling to keep and extend seats in Congress, retain and gain Governor positions.  It is only in winning seats in key local and Federal positions that Republican values of strong fiscal management and economic growth can prevail.  Too many of us have become disillusioned, disgusted. We thought we had a great candidate, and continue to grimace as we watch the current "leader" in the White House fail at doing anything to get our County back on track.  We need to stop the hand wringing, stop the fallout and get back to work. 

How did they beat us and how do we move forward?  A combination of turnout and segmentation of the vote.   Obama campaign officials said their get-out-the-vote organization — the people who make calls, knock on doors, micro-target potential voters and drive supporters to the polls — was more than three years in the making, building on "their record-breaking effort in 2008".  Republicans did make an effort at this, but they outdid us.  Moreover, they segmented the race and focused in on two important and large populations: women and Latinos.  Two weaknesses in Republican rhetoric and policy. 

As I made my "turnout" calls for the Republican Party I spoke to Republican woman after Republican woman who was uncertain about Romney.  Fearful on the abortion issue, fearful he would take away needed senior benefits, fearful of health care costs for themselves and family.  While not clearly saying that this was going to happen, what these women were telling me was their vote was swinging towards Obama for safety.  They didn't want their daughters or granddaughters to have to face an illegal abortion or a family member out of job not to have health care or themselves to lose social security.  The Obama campaign's claim that Republicans were waging a war against women was winning and ultimately won.

The Republican Party has to clearly define itself now before 2013 on where they stand on issues  that concern women.   President Barack Obama won the two-party vote among female voters in the 2012 election by 12 points, 56% to 44%, over Republican challenger Mitt Romney. Meanwhile, Romney won among men by an eight-point margin, 54% to 46%. That total 20-point gender gap was the largest the Gallup organization had measured in a presidential election since it began compiling the vote by major subgroups in 1952.  To keep the house and gain the Senate, the woman gap has got to be resolved.