
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

When it Suited Her Political Ambitions Hilliary Voted For A Wall - Phony Hilliary Now Condemns Trump for It

Hilliary condemns Donald Trump for wanting to bill a wall and claims to support immigrants. However, her only to recent past demonstrates that she sways with political expediencies to the right or to the left. In 2006 as Senator Hilliary Clinton she claimed, "I cannot and will not support one-sided solutions that sound tough but neither deal with our porous borders nor treat with respect and dignity the millions of families who live and work in our country,”

At the same time as claiming the above, she joined Senate Republicans and the majority of her Democratic colleagues in voting for an piece of legislation known as the “Secure Fence Act of 2006.” The bill called for the erection of 700 miles of fortified fencing stretching across the entire length of Arizona’s frontier with Mexico as well as portions of the southern borders of California, New Mexico and Texas.
Her political thinking was that "Even if a vote for the anti-immigrant wall upsets Latinos and others, what are they going to do about it, vote for the Republicans?” She voted for the wall looking ahead to a bid for the Presidency in 2008 at a time when she believed she would have to win over the anti-immigration voters.

She can't be trusted.  She is a phony, who will lie to win.  

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